Tech Support November 30, 2023

Scam Type

Tech Support Scam

Business Name Used

Microsoft Windows Defender – Imposter

Date Reported

November 30, 2023

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

Was on my laptop, large message popped up saying my computer was compromised. To call tech support number listed.
They offered to run diagnostics tests from their end to solve problems. Stated my financial info was compromised. They ask me to check my acct because 8000.00 transaction occurred. (I naively did that)
Then they said they would connect me to my bank an resolve.
They knew all my accts. an balances.
I was then told to go-to bank, withdraw $8000.00. I was instructed to tell no one why I was withdrawing, because transaction was an inside job, don’t trust tellers.
They wanted to know how long it would take to get to bank. And before going in was to call them . And they would tell me what Atm to put that $ in.
I did go the bank, and got 4 phonecalls from 1-360-467-9216. I never answered. Went into bank, talked to teller. Closed my accts an also had to take my laptop to be “scrubbed” (referral was thru bank)
The names of the 2 “tech support” men are James Lee an Michael Carlson.

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