Online Purchase December 01, 2023

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Online Pet Adoption Sacm

Date Reported

December 01, 2023

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

This is a fake Maltipoo adoption agency. The scammer has the customer fill out an adoption application. Once the application is approved, she asks for a $700 upfront deposit for the puppies and then loses contact once they have received the payment. The scammer by the name of Almeyda Lacroix is running this practice in an apartment complex and has a Google business account with tens of negative reviews all describing the same experience. She has recently added fake 5 star reviews to offset her poor rating.
Her Gmail account is Her Google business account is: ***************************************** This practice is defrauding people and is happening about 10 minutes from where I live. I would like to report this to protect others from investing their time and energy into an adoption process which is a lie.

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