Tech Support

Scam Type

Tech Support Scam

Business Name Used

Norton LifeLock

Date Reported

Sep 15, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

On September 15, 2022, I received an email that told me that Norton LifeLock would be auto-renewed, and I would be charged $349.99 unless I called a phone number within 24 hours. For me, that is a lot of money, but I have started getting such emails on a regular basis. As usual, I was startled and somewhat dismayed, but I have developed a method for ferreting out who the email is from. I checked this solicitation, and found that the originating email was a gmail address, so I knew it was a phony. Another clue is that the body of the email is an image. In a legitimate email, you should be able to select text for copy and pasting. With this email, though, the entire image is selected, and the text is embedded in the image.
Unfortunately, with this email, I was only one of who knows how many others were sent this message. When I looked at the mailing information, it was BCC’d to me, along with undisclosed recipients. The third and last clue is that the sender of the email was listed as an individual, while a legitimate email would have originated from “Support” or “Billing” or some such thing. My conclusion, be careful about reacting to alarming emails! And if you get one, be sure to report it to the BBB Scam Tracker. It only takes a few minutes.

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