
Scam Type

Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes Scam

Date Reported

Oct 24, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

I received a text message from “Manuel Franco”, the power ball winner of the $768 million jackpot stating he wanted to donate $50,000 dollars to me and 200 “monthly spined phone number benefactors other people”. It reads: “if you get this message then your number was selected after a spin ball. to claim and revive your winning claim code is AQ5782, and send a text to the agent in charge of dispatching the following”. The claim code is AQ5782. The agent in charge is Key Forster and his number is 812-307-9489. I am to text him and he will deliver my winnings. I saw an BBB article on how this is a popular scam technique. So I was lucky enough to not get scammed, but I wanted to report it because it may help someone else not click on it.

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