Scam Type
Phishing Scam
Date Reported
2023-03-22 00:00:00
Victim Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
Scam Description
I was sent an email stating that my background would be a good match with their company. To apply for the position click the link: It was a position for a Personal Assistant. The person says they own an Art Gallery and operate at a high cost of operation and would like to cut down expenses by employing a Personal Assistant/Administrative Assistant. The weekly pay $400 and work 10-12 hours weekly and 1-2 days weekly. I received another email saying to expect a package with a check that will have my weekly pay and the rest of the money to purchase of some pre-designed art work for the gallery. Once I get the check I’m to go to my bank or use mobile app to deposit the check and send a copy of the deposit receipt. I received the package with the check for $3500. The whole thing just didn’t seem right so I did some research on the internet. I looked up Capsule Arts and the person that emailed me was not listed as an employee. On the package label the name was not the one that emailed me there was also the initials JML. I looked up the address and it was a valid address but it said it was JML Trading LLC, JML Bedding Import, Sew Fourth, and JML Jin Mei Lun Trading LLC. The business was an office space attached to a warehouse. The whole situation just doesn’t seem legit.