
Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used

Dent King Mobile Auto Body

Date Reported

Aug 22, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

There is a member who is posting ads throughout the South Jersey and Philadelphia region who is scamming individuals. https://southjersey.craigslist.org/aos/d/cherry-hill-dentking-mobile-auto-body/7520793241.html. He advertises under DentKing. His name is Barry Thompson. He lives in Cherry Hill, NJ. He is not a registered business. He does not have business insurance and after attempting to fix minor body work repairs (light scratches and door dings), he caused $5,000 in damage and left my car in very bad shape. He is not qualified or experienced to be doing work on peoples vehicles, taking their hard earned money and then leaving them in a position that will require them to pay much more to have his poor work fixed. Three detail shops and two body shops have said that the damage he created is extensive. I tried contacting Barry at (469) 618-2997 and at first he became aggressive and told me to calm down, and now he will not reply and I am out a lot of money and left with a damaged vehicle. His license plate is ** ********

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