Scam Type
Other Scam
Business Name Used
Date Reported
Sep 15, 2022
Victim Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
Scam Description
Brick Anew Fireplace Doors created and owns the EZ Fireplace door and all it’s images. This website has stolen all of our images and is falsely misleading customers into believing and purchasing this door from them. Their address is invalid as well. The do not answer their phones (for 12 months no answer). They do not respond to their “contact us” form. We have repeatedly asked for them to remove our images and our descriptions on our website. They have not. Some of our customers have brought their website over to us to try and price match this fradulent company to which we have proof from Amazon customers as well as regular customers. This isn’t about undercutting our price point, it is about outright fradulent representation of selling the EZ Fireplace door which belongs to Intercept Sales, LLC, and it’s owners.