
Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used

VIP Pet Relocators

Date Reported

Sep 15, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

On 09/12/22 we had bought 2 Siberian Husky puppies from a kennel in Virginia. The puppies were being flown thru Charlotte International via VIP Pet Relocators. Once they were landed the company started demanding $1700.00 for crate charges then another $2,000 for insurance. We paid the crate charges but then when they demanded the insurance 4 hours later we refused. They sent pictures of the puppies at the airport and both were black instead of one male black Husky and one light brown female that we had bought We contacted the Kennel who said they were in contact with the transport agency and they were not returning their calls or returning the dogs as of today 09/15/2022.
This may all be a scam but if its not there are 2 puppies being held at the airport in who knows what condition.
Thank You
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