Scam Type
Other Scam
Business Name Used
Home Protection Direct / Home Warranty Resolution / Bliss Home warranty
Date Reported
Sep 11, 2022
Victim Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
Scam Description
You’ve heard it before… home warranty FINAL NOTICE letter. But this is 3 x’s we’ve been contacted by the same scammer. But by 3 different names so far… Home Warranty Resolution. Bliss Home Warranty. Now, Home Protection Direct. We discovered the scam when we finally needed to make a claim for a repair. That’s when we saw the warnings on BBB. We called our Credit Card Company to report the fraud, they are currently investigating. But shockingly we received another “TIME SENSITIVE” letter the very next day but this time there was yet another name Home Protection Direct. The problem with these scammers is they pick names of Good companies and tweek them just a little such as PROTECTION DIRECT vs Home Protection Direct to confuse the people. Once I had a scammer somehow overlap his website with a legitimate website so when I checked on the company he claimed to work for the company was great. But I chose to call the company and ask to speak to the President of that company and he confirmed the scammer did NOT work for him. These scammers are ruining the reputations of good companies. With this scam on home warranties I am noticing several people mention mortgage companies. Our letter mentions one of the loan companies we got a quote from but do not have our final loan through.
The use of urgency and fear is very flustering, it scares folks into making what ends up being both timely and costly mistakes. Please Please help stop them.