Scam Type
Online Purchase Scam
Business Name Used
Date Reported
September 23, 2023
Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
$ 98
Scam Description
I placed an order for tennis shoes on July 24, 2023 on the website and opted to pay by PayPal. Instead of being charged once for the $98 shoes, the seller’s website set up an automatic charge on my PayPal for four charges for the listed sales price of the shoes $98, which would have resulted in being charged $392. After initially being charged $98 by PayPal, I turned off the automatic payment schedule that the seller tried to initiate on my PayPal account. I never received an order confirmation email from the seller after my PayPal account was charged. I reached out to the seller two times on their website asking about the status of my order, but I never received a response. Then I filed a claim with PayPal reporting the scam. The seller sent a fraudulent USPS tracking number to PayPal in response to PayPal’s inquiry, which listed the wrong shipping address and a package weight of 8 oz, which is too light for a pair of tennis shoes. The seller was able to deny my PayPal inquiry by providing a fraudulent USPS tracking number. I tried to appeal PayPal’s denial of my claim, but my appeal was also denied because the seller provided a fraudulent tracking number. Please investigate this website as I believe it is a scam.