Online Purchase Scam Jul 13, 2022

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Acting As: Northwest Motors

Date Reported

Jul 13, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

Elaborate online store appears to list desirable Japanese Domestic Market (JDM) engines, at a generously discounted price. The website includes detailed screenshots of these engines, all claim to have “5-star” reviews, there are even phony testimonials on the storefront. In order to begin the transaction, an ‘enquiry’ form is available which starts the communication process, an email is returned with a copy-and-paste of the listing with the addition of instructions to send your mailing address, phone number, and that they only accept “bank transfer via JP Morgan Chase”, and that when this information is returned they will send more details. I also called the phone number listed on the site, instead of an answer they text back through whatsapp and only communicate through that medium. I asked specific questions and received answers that conflict with what is shown on the website (i.e. warranty information is different than what is listed). Lastly, I asked where they were located to which they responded ‘Houston TX’, the website said ‘Austin TX’; the website has since been modified with ‘Arlington TX’. Upon stating that I am able to pick up the engine from Houston, and asking for their physical address, the whatsapp response was only “ok” and never replied again.

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