Investment November 14, 2023

Scam Type

Investment Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

November 14, 2023

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 20600

Scam Description

This was your message:
Someone introduce me a platform for investing, at the beginning everything looked real and legit. I earn money, but once that i wanted to withdraw it, that man telling me that i must to paying fee and tax ( 20% of my earning). So i paying once 2700.
Then after i dont know how but someone added 5000 usdt on my account so the fee and tax was increased and i was forced to paying 5000. So in total : I started to invest 1920 + what i earn in total 15000 +2790 that i paying first for withdraw 15K+ 5000 that someone unknown added i have 20000 so i was forced to paying again 5000. Total i must to having a refund of over 20K. I want my money, help me please ????????????

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