Government Grant

Scam Type

Government Grant Scam

Business Name Used

Attorney Kevin Wilson

Date Reported

Sep 20, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

I received a message from a Facebook friend asking if I received his message about an IDA grant program from the World Bank. He said he was helped by Attorney Kevin Wilson who helped him get $100,000 in low income assistance, and said to text him at 201 379 1786. This particular FB friend frequently finds opportunities like this in person, so I didn’t think much of it and texted the number. I thought it was strange that the texts were coming through in all caps, but I figured maybe he was an old guy like my FB friend. He asked me for my full name and a paragraph on why I need the grant, then asked if I was ready to apply now. I said yes and he sent me a prompt asking the for the usual name, address, email, etc. information but also “hearing or deaf”, “Do you rent or own”, and “Would you like cash or a check”. In addition to the prompt he asked for a picture of my ID. At this point my alarms were going off but I sent the info anyway, to which he asked me to send a copy “quickly” to another number, 575 449 7843. I googled both numbers and found nothing, and when I googled “Attorney Kevin Wilson” I found a fake facebook page. Hopefully nothing too bad comes of this.

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