Fake Check/Money Order

Scam Type

Fake Check/Money Order Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

Sep 15, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

Received a usps click-n-ship priority mail envelope that contained a letter and cashiers check from desert Financial located in Phoenix, AZ. This was signed by Jeffrey Meckly. Re: Catherine Jones. Made to the order of myself.
The cashier’s check of $2450.52 was to cover my assignment bills, evaluation costs and my survey service commission payment.
I was to confirm receiving by SMS to either of the phone numbers with my full name, amount received, bank name on check, my phone number and the estimated time to complete my evaluation.
I was to deposit the check with any options my bank offered. I’d receive a bonus if completed within certain amount of time. (12 hrs $250, 24 hrs $150)
I could use 1-2 stores to purchase a certain amount of Amex or vanilla gift cards ($2000 broken down to $500 x 4 or $100 & $200 denominations worth $2000). Capture images of the front and back of these cards, image of receipts, store names, addresses, date and time of purchase. Name of cashier and did they thank me. How was my experience with staff and how long to check out. Under NO circumstances should I reveal that I’m evaluating the stores services!
When done please email All details as requested. My assignment is then complete. Call either of the 2 numbers to process my bonus.

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