Fake Check/Money Order

Scam Type

Fake Check/Money Order Scam

Business Name Used

Reloglistics Services LLC

Date Reported

Sep 15, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

A United States Post Office Priority Mail two day envelope was delivered to my house on September 14 (not two days, obviously). The envelope was postmarked September 9, and was mailed from zip code 36203, even though the return address zip code is 29621. Enclosed in the enveloped was a check for $4,960.00. The name on the check is a legitimate business according to what I could find online: Phillips Mushroom Farms LP, Growing and Packing of Fresh Mushrooms, P.O. Box 190, Kennett Square, PA 19348. The check was made out to me with my maiden name I have not used exclusively since 1995. The check was dated September 9, the same day of the post mark. The bank the check was supposedly drawn from was Branch Banking and Trust Company. In addition to the check was a single sheet of paper that said Vehicle Wrap Instruction/contract agreement with a lengthy list of instructions, including that I was to text information to 850-979-4017. The day after receiving this “package”, I received a text to my cell phone from “James Robert” 850-979-4017 from the “energy drink car wrap campaign department” asking if I had received the check, and instructing me to deposit it and then get back to him. I called my local police department and they said I should report this scam here.

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