Employment June 18, 2024

Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

Employment Solicitation – Phishing Scam

Date Reported

June 18, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

Email sent as follows. Did not follow up, assumed it was a scam…
I hope this message finds you well and in high spirits. I’m Sarah Williams, a Head of Recruiting, who plays a pivotal role in talent acquisition at Private Equity Recruiting Firm, a premier recruitment Firm with a global footprint. Today, I’d like to introduce you to an exciting professional avenue that aligns with your expertise.
We’ve been entrusted by a high-profile client to scout for a dynamic leader for the role of Vice President of Technology, in a newly integrated division of their enterprise. Our search brought your impressive track record to the forefront via a trusted talent agency, positioning you as a potentially impeccable fit.
If this opportunity resonates with you, could you kindly provide us with your latest resume? Once in hand, I’ll delve deeper into the role specifics and guide you through our preliminary formalities, which include a confidentiality agreement.
To clarify, as a recruitment agency, our engagement fee is paid by the hiring entity, ensuring zero costs to you. Additionally, your privacy is paramount; hence, no intrusive information requests will be made.
Best Regards,
Sarah Williams
Head of Recruiting
PE Talent Seek Inc.

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