Other June 17, 2024

Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used

Virtual Mailbox Scam

Date Reported

June 17, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 17995

Scam Description

Thought I was on the US Postal website. I was told by a friend that it costs about $20 or so to do a change-of-address online for the conveniance so didnt think anything of it at first. That was my mistake and I should have gone to the post office :O(. So I gave my credit card info, new address, and old address. WHen I checked my statement this morning there was a pending charge of $179.95. I have emailed with no response. Called both numbers multiple times and itsd always disconnected. The company says its a virtual mail service which why would I use tht for a change-of-address. This is confusing and scary. I went to the post office and he asked for a barcode and I realized I didn’t have it. Which, also seemed suspicious. I am praying I am wrong and its a newer company. I am always safe and I can’t believe I gave my info out.

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