
Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

Southwest Key Programs

Date Reported

Sep 13, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

I was contacted by hiring manager via text message that they found my resume from Indeed and offered me a remote customer service position. Was told since pandemic they’ve had lack of employees so they have been having to do the hiring process and interview on Skype. They then sent a check to procure equipment that would be already programmed with their systems. There were 3 checks sent. The 1st check was over the mobile banking limit so the second check was sent for a lesser amount but it was returned after the sent a 3rd check from a different bank. Since checks were returnedI was charged $40 in returned check fees and more fees to come. I investigated all I could before sending any personal information to them and everything seemed legit. I’m still scratching my head on this one.

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