
Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

vrl logistics

Date Reported

Sep 12, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

I signed up for a job through Indeed. I returned a W9 for taxes. She said packages would be mailed to my house, and I would put new labels on them and ship them out. I’ve reshipped 5 packages, fake jewelry, shoes and a drill set. I log into a dashboard to download the labels. I log in 3x a day. I have to be home to get the packages. I reship the packages through UPS, FedEx and USPS. I can get a bonus if I complete the tasks quickly. The packages were coming from eBay Shop. Blossom Stuart is the shipping department supervisor. Emma Sanders is the shipping manager. There is also a Kerry Edwards. They say they are at 7275 Waelti Dr, #17, Melbourne, FL 32940 and their phone is 888-484-3179. Today I received a phone call from “Amazon” asking for my info to download an app called AnyRemote giving them access to my phone. They said I had shipped $1500 worth of cell phones – the addresses match the addresses on the packages. I got a call today from a lady who asked if I had received any more packages. She said if I get any more to report them as an unknown package. I get an email every time a package is mailed to me with a tracking number. They all sound Pakistani or Indian. I may still have a couple of receipts. The dashboard wasn’t working over the weekend, 480 error, as they were updating it.

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