
Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

Boskalis N.V

Date Reported

Aug 22, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

On Tuesday, August 9th, I received text message who said his name was David Johnson, from 419.776.3899. He said that he was a recruiter for BOSKALIS NV and that he got my resume from CareerBuilder. He wanted to know if I was interested in setting up an interview. (I was looking for a job so nothing was out of the ordinary.) He then asked for my email address for a zoom invite. Again not unusual, so I agreed but then he said to accept the zoom invite, which I did but then I was connected to someone in zoom chat not voice or video right away.
The title of the person in the Zoom app was listed as “Recruiting Desk.” He asked me some standard interview questions and within that same zoom conference. I was offered the position of Administrative Assistant/ Sr. Data Entry Clerk. I was told I would be paid $15 per hour while in the 2 weeks of training course. After training I would then be paid $35 per hour. I received an offer letter and started “training” the next day.
He had asked which bank I used which was Chime. He asked if I had another bank account other than Chime and I told them no but that I was considering opening a BofA account. He asked me to please do so as that is the only way they could directly deposit my pay. He was very persistent that I get the BofA account ASAP. I was told that I should report to the same zoom session the next morning as I will begin my training. The offer letter was sent to me the same day.
During the 2 weeks I was given simple tasks like “ Write an article about what an Admin Asst. does? This went on for a week. In my offer letter, it stated that I was to start work at 8 am but he would message me as early as 5am wanting to know if I was ready for the next task. I reminded him of my time in AZ but it still happened.
By the beginning of week 2, he said I would be receiving a check to cover my training pay, hire bonus and funds needed to purchase my office equipment. He said he would get back to me with a tracking number since it would be coming by Fedex.
The last 3 days of week 2 of training I decided to test the situation.
Understanding that the routine every morning was to get the task sent to me by email. I would complete it in the time allotted, email it back then post in Zoom that I had finished. He would confirm he received it, that it is being reviewed and will be back on zoom in 30 min. to tell me how I did. On the last 3 training days, I would confirm I received the task, NOT do any of the work then send an email with nothing in the subject line, no text in the body of the email and no attachments of the work completed. I would then tell him on zoom that it was done. Every single time I sent him NOTHING, I still got a message saying it was received and that I did a great job.
Soon after this person asked me how much money was in my Bank of America account currently. I told him $0 until he at least pays me for training. He asked again. I said I repeated what I already told him.
Then this person STRAIGHT OUT ASKS ME for my USER ID and PASSWORD to my Bank of America account so that they can directly deposit the funds as quickly as possible. I told him he must be joking, that neither he or anyone needs that to direct deposit. I would rather wait for them to send me a check and I will deposit it and will let them know when the funds have cleared so that I can purchase my office equipment. He hesitated and then agreed.
I finally stopped communicating after the end of week two training.
I was still going along with the scam to try and find anything that could help catch these people. But I don’t have much info to catch them other than the phone number of the recruiter I listed above and the trainer who said his name is Michael Ericson who texted me from 902.702.4359.
I hope this helps anyone who happens to come across these scammers. I also have screenshots of our conversations in the event this is able to be investigated. I may have not lost actual cash but the have everything anyone would put on a W4 form. My Name, Address, and Social Security Number.

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