Scam Type
Employment Scam
Business Name Used
Date Reported
Aug 23, 2022
Victim Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
Scam Description
Stantle purports to be a very large and long established shipping and transport business. They have a very professional and extensive website that appears to cross all its Ts and dots all its Is. To the common eye it all looks above board and honest. It is not until you look deeper that you find the operative word is “appears”.
Upon being put in a position to take that deeper look, I have found that Stantle has no legal registrations in the State of California. Not with the Secretary of State, Attorney General, Franchise Tax Board, not in county jurisdictions of Los Angeles or Orange Counties, where they use addresses. No fictitious name registrations of any kind. Given their business type, they are also not registered with the Federal Motor Carriers Safety Administration. Their business addresses are in office buildings that do not have their names on the directories, and there is no defined address where they have their purported massive storage facility that can hold large cargo shipping containers. So, they are a huge company, that even states on their website, has a large footprint, but is also absolutely invisible to any governing authority. My search with the Secretary of State found a previous company name IM Solutions that was revoked/forfeited in 2005. No other records can be found.
They following is not just my experience, as I have discovered as late as this morning 8/23/22, the experiences of at least six other people. This company has our ID information and our Social Security numbers. I have reason to believe they are not only mining for “prospective employee” ID information, but are also doing background checks to discover other family or relatives from whom they can try to harvest information. I have other suspicions at the moment, but need to keep those to myself until I can present them to proper authorities for further investigation.
I posted this as a warning on my Facebook page 8/23/22:
“ – Remote worker scam alert – my lived experience recruited me stating they found my resume on Ziprecruiter.
Was “hired” as a “Remote Hub Management Assistant”, an independent contractor”, by (terms of their employment contract) near the end of June. Terms were: work for the first 30 days as a W-9 worker, then if offered full-time employment, you would become a W-2 employee with benefit options. Although you start monitoring your task list several days before, your 30-day time clock does not start until you have processed and shipped your first order. The “employment contract” is extremely detailed.
In my case, my first day of monitoring the task list was approximately 6/28/22. My first order could not be processed until 7/5/22, because of the 4th of July holiday, a full 7 days after I became home-bound watching the task list. At first, I thought the process was strange, but with all the business changes since COVID, just went with the flow.
Performed the job with 100% accuracy for the entire month and passed the required assessment quiz with 100%. Received little or no feedback from my assigned supervisor during the entire month, but was advised she would recommend me for full-time employment.
Was advised that a check was put in the mail for my W-9 contracted wages on Thursday 8/4/22. The check was supposedly issued in Los Angeles. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada, a 5–6-hour car ride. When several days passed, I contacted payroll to ask where the check was, and that a first-class mailing should not take so long from the distance it was travelling. I also asked for a copy of the check so I could see proof it was issued.
I received a less than professional response stating Stantle does not copy the checks or offer any proof of issue, that they do not send payroll checks first-class, and it could take up to 10 BUSINESS DAYS to be received. 10 days was last Friday, 13 days is today. They call themselves an efficiency mail processing leader. But employee paychecks are apparently not a priority.
Keep in mind the job of the Hub Management Assistant was to make copies of, and keep fastidious records of EVERYTHING. But apparently the payroll department is not required to keep any such records to prove issuance.
I sent an email yesterday morning 8/22/22, including the HR and payroll dept, and my supervisor addressing 3 issues that had not been resolved. 1) That I had never received instructions of what to do with mail still in my possession. 2) When would I be hearing if I was to be offered permanent status or be told otherwise. 3) That 10 business days had passed and I had not seen my payment. None of which should sound unreasonable.
I heard nothing all day from HR, or my supervisor. HR was there because they responded to another person having the same experience about a different issue during the same day of my email. Payroll sent me an email saying how sorry she was and could put a stop payment on the check and issued a new one. BUT, to be advised it could take from 10-14 BUSINESS DAYS again. I replied that was not acceptable and demanded a check be issued with proof of creation and a tracking number, with overnight priority. I gave her until end of business to respond. I received nothing.
By law a terminated person is supposed to have their final check within 48 hours. Since I have not been offered a permanent status, I am considering it as quasi-terminated. Not hired, not fired, they owe the money. There was no complaint about my service and I fulfilled my end.
I have now discovered and been in touch with as many as six other people having the identical experience. None have received a check not matter how long the waits. I sent a copy of the email from payroll to one person waiting on a new check, and she told me that was EXACTLY what was sent to her when she asked for her payment. One lost check, maybe, two, that’s stretching, six or more is a scam.
I have additional information that will not be included here that leads me to believe there is more to this picture. That will be for others to decide.
But, this is a warning to anyone considering working for this company. You will be giving them your personal sensitive information, you will think you are on your way to a decent work from home situation, and will not be getting what you expect or are promised.
Yes, they have been very thorough and look very legit, but they are not what they seem to be. It took a lot of digging for me to find out otherwise.
This warning will be posted to all the online job boards in the near future.”
I understand my compatriots are also in the process of posting warnings everywhere possible.