CryptoCurrency January 22, 2024

Scam Type

CryptoCurrency Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

January 22, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 20000

Scam Description

I was solicited for participation in a cryptocurrency investment strategy that was described as staking, with the promise of a 300% return on my investment over a two year period. Sidney Lloyd, a high-level promoter of the platform, started a ZOOM meeting with me in which he walked me through converting my cryptocurrency to dollars and transferring to a platform called the HOO exchange. Once the transfer to the HOO exchange was complete, I was then asked to transfer the money to the Hyperverse platform. Initially, I began to see the daily rewards of $100/day, in keeping with the promised investment return, but months into the process, the withdrawal process was suspended and the platform changed from Hyperverse to Hyperfund. It was encouraged that we be patient and allow the process of reorganizing to work itself out, and ultimately it was changed from Hyperfund, to HyperNation. Throughout this process, ZOOM meetings were held to reassure investors that they would continue to reap the initial promised reward and were encouraged to continue reinvesting their “earnings.” to compound their gains. Bitcoin Beauty was on a few of these meetings advocating for the company as well as Sidney “Sid the Crypto Kid’ Lloyd. He is the one that walked me through the process.
To date, none of my money has been recovered, and the company was found to be a scam. Rodney “Bitcoin Rodney” Burton was apprehended as one of the top people involved in the scheme after trying to sell the idea to celebrities Jamie Foxx and Rick Ross, per reports in Rolling Stones magazine in January 2024.

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