Counterfeit Product

Scam Type

Counterfeit Product Scam

Business Name Used

The Gadgets Hub

Date Reported

Aug 22, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

They did this all under the guise of a
T-Mobile loyalty reward with T-Mobile’s copyrighted materials as I had purchased a new iPad and IPhone early in the day.
The screen label/website was (on my phone’s screen which can no longer be found on my phone but I took a picture of the transaction)
The item name was “Hype Style Co,” on my phone’s screen invoice for $6.85 which they said was for shipping and no other fees. Later they tried slamming my card for $58.61.
The initial charge showed on my card as “TOTALDISCOUNTS” 844 255 1376 but the second attempted charge as “BUYARTISTICMOTIONGADGE” 888 392 2 and then my cc last4.
Finally the package had the name and address of:
“The Gadgets Hub”
Unit 1654
1777 Abram Ct
San Leandro, CA 94577-7004
The only tip-off that something was amiss, other than my initial gut feeling that this was too good to be true, was when I got the product. It was very cheaply made junk. I couldn’t get it to power up, the instructions were terribly insufficient, so I tore it apart thinking, “hey, it’s only a $6.85 lost”. There was a screen, tiny speaker, battery, and a circuit board with some electronics on it. Maybe it was something, but it certainly wasn’t an iWatch.

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