Charity June 22, 2024

Scam Type

Charity Scam

Business Name Used

GoFund Me Hacking

Date Reported

June 22, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 50

Scam Description

They locked me out of my account and i changed phone numbers.. But they email me all the time about setting up withdraw.. So i tried to do that but they needed my number to verify which had changed but i had access to the email and even sent in my id. At first they lied to me and said that the name on the account was ******* *****.. Which i said was a scam name then they agreed that my name is on the account as *****.. So i keep getting the run around… I’ve sent in emails proving that that go fund me is mine because i have the setup link in my email from them.. I’ve given so much info that it feels unsafe now. I meam they have my government id and still cannot verify and emails proving the account is mine.

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