Home Improvement June 23, 2024

Scam Type

Home Improvement Scam

Business Name Used

Home Improvement

Date Reported

June 23, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 4487

Scam Description

Richard Farrant aka Rich Ferrante showed up via Angi’s dba Bluestar Exteriors and Ironman Exteriors to build a composite deck in August of 2022. At the time he received an advance of $4487 with an estimated completion date of 10/10/2022. He never performed the work, despite repeated calls to him. He runs the business with his son Vincent. But Richard is the public face of the firm and will use aliases and try to disguise his appearance. He used an alias, Rich Ferrante, but has other aliases and his business addresses are fake as confirmed by the local postmaster. As of the date of this entry (6/23/2024), Farrant is in jail facing charges in multiple jurisdictions this summer for felonies. Virginia Department of Professional and Occupation Regulations and Angi’s have revoked his license and listing. He and his son have a long record spanning 30 years scamming his victims mixed in with actual contracting work. This is their MO. I have asked the state AG to move against the Farrants as a criminal enterprise conducting a racketeering operation. Recognize his face from internet files and do not do business with this man. We’ll seek incarceration time in a hearing in July, but his history indicates he doesn’t spend much time in jail and will return to what he knows, contracting scams.

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