Advance Fee Loan

Scam Type

Advance Fee Loan Scam

Business Name Used

Advantage Advanced approval department

Date Reported

Sep 12, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

So they tried to call my phone using a local phone number with area code the number I provided above is their main line where you get an actual person that answers but don’t ask for Barbara or else you will get hung up on or told she is with their out reach program and that she can’t talk to anyone because is all she leaves is voice messages. Also if you just try to talk to them without wanting a loan or so they claim they will either hang up on you or be extremely rude to you then hang up on you they claim you can get a loan up to 51,000 in loans the local number they try to call from is 1-208-213-9562 when I did tell them yes they would then ask me oh what state are you from I’d say from Idaho and then they’d say I’m sorry but you don’t qualify so it makes no sense to me why they would be calling me if I don’t qualify anyways they are wasting my time but clearly a scam.

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