Online Purchase Scam Jul 31, 2022

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

Jul 31, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

Ordered two pairs for use on a plane as well as a F1 race, and general use otherwise. Advertised to have 3 different cores that could be interchanged for different situations/needs in level of noise blocking desired. Upon opening one pair and trying the 3 different cores I found NO difference in the 3 cores. None of the 3 cores blocked much noise at all. The foam ones I have from the drug store work better than any of the 3 cores. Upon attempting to return them, I went to their website to start the return process and a “ticket” was created for my return and their email to me asked me to be patient due to high volume. I got 2 more emails several days apart from them saying they were still working on my return and thanked me again for my patience. My attempts to check on the status of my ticket have not been answered. The phone number provided when called answers quickly, does not identify themselves and simply states they are closed…. and hangs up. Feeling suspicious of the process, I looked up their return policy and they have a 30 day, must not be opened policy. Difficult to try them out without opening them…. I have filed a dispute with the credit card company. I would happily return for my money back, but the process is going nowhere. Now I am concerned that whoever these people are- they have my credit card information, home address, name…

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