Worthless Problem-solving Service July 13, 2024

Scam Type

Worthless Problem-solving Service Scam

Business Name Used

Vehicle Repair Scam

Date Reported

July 13, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 1650

Scam Description

This vendor came to repair scratch, dent on back fender, quoted 1125.00 to repair. When repair was done, i went to pay and he said he found more inyernal damage, so price was 1535 more than quote. He refused to yake check made out to dent guy. So i felt this was a trap. Tried to change check to his name but he wouldnt accept it. He then brought up venmo, which was for another business, he said was his wifes roofing company.
He said he would provide a complete estimate for the work, and explaination of fees charged. He has not sent that, nor responded to my texts! Ive put in dispute to Venmo.

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