Travel/Vacation/Timeshare July 08, 2024

Scam Type

Travel/Vacation/Timeshare Scam

Business Name Used

Hotel Booking Scam

Date Reported

July 08, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 311

Scam Description

Looked up a specific hotel on google and clicked a link to what appeared to be the hotel’s website. Stated by entering e-mail I would get a $25 discount on the booking. Did not show fees until after the booking was made, which included and incredibly high markup, nor was the discount applied. There is no such website for I called and told them I wanted a refund, to which they told me it was non-refundable and ended up cancelling it without my consent. So now I am out the full amount. Every time I called to ask for the refund since it was not my intent to pay what was not disclosed, would be put indefinitely on hold every time.

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