Travel/Vacation/Timeshare July 03, 2024

Scam Type

Travel/Vacation/Timeshare Scam

Business Name Used

Online travel service booked flight then called to say it costs additional money for luggage

Date Reported

July 03, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 889

Scam Description

We purchased United Air ticked from for 889. After we finished with the web site purchase, Tarifasodeal immediately call us and stated that we are NOT allowed to have any checked bags or carry-on luggage including a purse. However, they would gladly upgrade our ticket for an additional 1700 dollars. This hard sale to upgrade continued for 20 minutes, they continued to offer different deals for a lot of extra money. The also refused to cancel the tickets. Eventually, since they did not actually process the payment yet, I called the credit card company, but they would not prevent them from charging our credit card. We actually had to Freeze the account so they can’t charge the card. Tarifasodeal is a scam company with many oversea people working there. Very strong accents and hard to understand. I recommend nobody uses this company.

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