Travel/Vacation/Timeshare August 07, 2023

Scam Type

Travel/Vacation/Timeshare Scam

Business Name Used

Timeshare Resale Scam

Date Reported

August 07, 2023

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

This was a time share buyback deal with this company and another company, A Trusted Name, LLC phone 9176721943. Each of there websites were similarly designed with no ability to expand anything on the site.
Patrick Neelan (? Spelling) also called from 6466478737 representing himself as the head seller.
As the title company rep, Alexander Rossi, presented me with a Mexican bank, bbva, for the “trust” which was for a fidecomiso, I questioned this process and didn’t give anymore information. A fidecomiso is nothing like the American trust we are used to and does NOT allow for moneys to be held for transfer.

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