Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes July 17, 2024

Scam Type

Sweepstakes/Lottery/Prizes Scam

Business Name Used

Gaming paradise

Date Reported

July 17, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 460

Scam Description

It’s an online gambling casino. I play it almost everyday spending anywhere between 5-50 bucks a day. So now I finally win some money 400 to be exact and he wanted me to pay 50 for them cash out my winnings. He also tried to convince me to be play it up to 500 but I didn’t. So, all the cash tags he gave me to send that 50. We’re labeled as a potential scam. Last night he said there having some technical issues and says to wait until it clears up and he’ll cash me out. Well, it never happened

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