Other October 23, 2024

Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

October 23, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

First received a voicemail from “John Schneider” who claimed he was with Becker Levin and Associates. In the voicemail he states that my local county court has a case on their docket against me and that he needed to go over information with me before “case went to trial”. A day passed and I didn’t call him back. He calls two days after leaving the voicemail, before 8AM in the morning and from the start is very evasive. Will not answer questions directly. The client suing me for “loan not paid” is someone I have had business with in the past, but I have not received anything from the company who is supposedly taking me to court. He went into great detail of wage garnishments and legal fees and how it would be taken involuntarily out of my bank. I was stern with him and the next time I asked a question he began to talk over me and that is when I said the conversation was over and he was not a professional. I then get a voicemail saying how immature I am and that I obviously showed my character and that I frauded his client (which mind you during the conversation on the phone he said I was not being charged with fraud) and to expect uniformed law enforcement at my house within 72 hours with a subpeona.

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