Other June 27, 2024

Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

June 27, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 26500

Scam Description

This communication is sent by an international company from Spain, represented by an authorized individual, on behalf of another consulting company from Senegal, also represented by an authorized individual, under a Sale and Purchase Agreement Contract dated 15/03/2024.
The purpose is to address the issue related to the transfer of funds intended to complete the reception of a Stand By Letter of Credit (SBLC) with a Texan company. After receiving the funds in their account for this business procedure, they have repeatedly delayed the operation without providing any clear information about the SBLC process. Their partner company is also involved.
The amount of Twenty Six Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (USD 26,500) was sent to the Texan company on April 08, 2024, from the Spanish company’s bank account to the seller’s bank account. Despite this, the money has not been returned, and the main shareholder of the company has disappeared with the funds, failing to respond to phone calls or emails.
We declare that the money provided was for our business, but the seller’s actions suggest otherwise, posing a significant fraud risk for current and potential customers. We urge for proper business conduct and increased inspection of such companies to prevent possible scams.

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