Other July 04, 2024

Scam Type

Other Scam

Business Name Used

Other – *No business name provided*

Date Reported

July 04, 2024

Postal Code

M5B 2H3

Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

I was trying to call Via Rail Canada to book a train ticket and misdialed the toll free number. A man **** * ***** ***** ***** ****** answered and not wanting to be rude, I tried my best to understand him. He wasn’t willing to answer my questions about scheduling and baggage until I provided him with my full name, address and phone number, which I did.
He was not addressing my questions, and wanted to move on to the payment method questions. Impatient with his poor service, I politely said never mind and hung up.
When I went on the actual site to book online instead, I realized that the number was different than the one I dialed.
And when I tried calling back the misdialed number it listed travel sales bookings, and a generic message saying that my call was important and to hold for an associate. I’m pretty sure it’s a scam, now that I realize *** *** *** ******* *** *** that he was so intent on gathing my info and payment method, without addressing my questions.

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