Online Purchase Scam 2, Jul 13, 2022

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Go Quick Express Delivery

Date Reported

Jul 13, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

I truly believe this company is fraudulent. I bought a 10wk old Chihuahua from Tony and Lynn Williams supposeit breeders from North Carolina, from teacup Chihuahua Garden.This incident occurred on 7-10-22. I believe this company and it’s fake page was set up by or someone wking with the fraudulent dog breeders. After paying for the dog cherry she was supposedly put on a plane from NC to Montgomery on 7/12-22 by the breeders and I kept receiving unforeseen fees from go quick express company saying in order for the dog to ship/fly it’ll cost 1500 for the proper crate. It was eventually paid. that their company also required a vet ck and insurance 1580. It was paid, in order for her to ship.I drove 100mi to Montgomery,Al to get the dog which according to the tracking number they gave me, the dog be be flying into Montgomery,al airport on 7/12/22 at 2:20 cst. I asked several time for a flight number it was never provided by breeder nor the delivery company. I received a 3rd email saying they were delayed in Tennessee, I owed 350 fee for vet to give meds because dog was weak.I refused. the company has since erased messages but I got everything screenshot. All I got was lies/excuses. That’s 2230 I’ve been scammed out. The company number doesn’t work nor will they reply back. There’s noway to reach them besides email. I have not received the dog. This fake company and Tony and Lynn Williams must be stopped.

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