Online Purchase June 27, 2024

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

June 27, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 80

Scam Description

Shoes that are designed for people suffering from a specific ailment were advertised on FaceBook. I followed the link in the advertisement to the website. I did not note anything suspicious, so I made an $80 purchase using my bank debit card. I received a confirmation email from “ via”. The email said that the transaction may appear differently on my bank statement – as “CATALYST CRM PRO, LLC”. Soon afterwards I received an email stating that my item had shipped. The email included a link to a tracking website, The website provided regular updates until it stopped at 95% complete. Based on what other victims have shared online, this appears to be the programmed function of this tracking website. Reviewing the emails again, I note that the receipt section of the item purchase price is listed as $0.81 and there is a shipping fee of $79.19. All customer service contacts – Contact email:, Contact Phone Number: +1 844 876 3856 or +1 888 811 6828 – are inoperable.

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