Scam Type
Online Purchase Scam
Business Name Used
Online Retailer Scam
Date Reported
June 21, 2024
Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
$ 38
Scam Description
I purchase from with website after a social media (ad). The social media ad, advertised Abercrombie and Finch Jeans on sale. I completed the payment, then changed my mind immediately. The only form of contact was an email or to reply back to the confirmation email. I replied back to the confirmation email that showed as Customer Service. I stated that I wanted a refund. I was informed that the products had already been sent for delivery even though the order was just placed. After two days of emails I stated that I would contact authorities and they said the refund will be processed in 7-10 days. After 10 days I hadn’t received it and emailed back. They informed me that it was “ force majeure factors, the refund failed to arrive in your account on time” and they would submit another one. I’ve disputed the payment already. And I informed them I would be contact the BBB.