Online Purchase June 10, 2024

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Craigslist sell

Date Reported

June 10, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 35

Scam Description

I offered a motorcycle for sale on CraigsList. I was almost immediately contacted by someone expressing interest who set a time to meet the next day. Then they asked me for a S.M.M report that I could obtain at I paid for, got the report and sent it to an email address provided. The person then did not show up and has ignored all further attempts to contact them.
The next morning I was contacted by two other people who wanted reports from different websites ( www.AutoZenStar com and ) and refused to accept the report I already had. I didn’t go to either website because I was expecting to meet the first person. After he failed to show up, I checked and none of these sites were listed.
So I’m out at least $35 for a useless report and possibly compromised my credit card info.

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