Online Purchase July 17, 2024

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Games Days Tickets

Date Reported

July 17, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 3000

Scam Description

Scammer has a small army of people who use stolen credit card numbers to purchase event tickets to re-sell at a discount on site. Since the tickets are purchased with an active credit card the tickets are legitimate, so the discount they sell the ticket for is attractive to consumers, even if fraudulently purchased. Until the credit card holders see the activity on their credit card statement, and dispute a one time charge of $999 or less, this crime goes un-noticed and the credit card holder is reimbursed by the credit card company. The scammer probably sees this as a victimless crime, but it has repercussions, and the scammers have become more bold in their ability to sell on site because the event security and local police are powerless to stop them. Everyone loses in this scenario, except the scammers, who have a big cash grab and the customer relationships they are creating by stealing from others.

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