Online Purchase July 17, 2024

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

KETO IQ Online Retail Scam

Date Reported

July 17, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 300

Scam Description

I was on Facebook and seen kelly Clarkson gummies from shark tank . I thought that’s what I was ordering, I got 2 bottles of KETOIQ gummies for 127.99. I finally got ?some body on the phone and they gave me a tracking number to return the bottles. They wouldn’t refund the first package and then they had the nerves to charge my card again and send another 2 bottles and said the order was on auto fill but it was not. I call the number again but now the number is disconnected. Still waiting for my refund. It sad that we are getting scammed out of our money and the real product.

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