Online Purchase July 07, 2024

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Foreign Purchase

Date Reported

July 07, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 50

Scam Description

Scamer stated item would be a particular size was not even close to size, reach out to online payment company I was told to contact seller finally after a month of waiting for item and it wasn’t what the seller was saying on line, finally contact company again was informed to send piccs and videos of item. that was completed, than I was assured to send 15.00 more dollars and I would get the bigger size I did just that. I haven’t heard from company last contact was February 2024. I was also told to keep the original said item.

BBB Notes as provided by the FBI: 

If you are a victim of an online shopping scam, the FBI recommends taking the following actions:
Report the activity to the Internet Crime Complaint Center at or your local FBI field office, which can be located at
Report the activity to the online payment service used for the financial transaction.
Contact your financial institution immediately upon discovering any fraudulent or suspicious activity and direct them to stop or reverse the transactions.
Ask your financial institution to contact the corresponding financial institution where the fraudulent or suspicious transfer was sent.
If you believe you are the victim of an Internet scam or cyber crime, or if you want to report suspicious activity, please visit the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center at


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