Online Purchase

Scam Type

Online Purchase Scam

Business Name Used

Quick Vital Certificates

Date Reported

Oct 25, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

This site was provided to me when I searched how to obtain a new birth certificate. It seemed legit and what I needed to fill out to get a new copy of my birth certificate. Well, when I called the state of Oregon Health Authority to track the status on my birth certificate, they advised me that you would never have to pay a free for the birth certificate, there is just a $20 processing fee. Well, this scam site charted my credit card a $41.65 fee just to send in my information, and I also had to pay the $20 normal processing fee. She explained to me that these sites are “scams” to get money from people, and they need to be reported, so here I am! I will be in contact with my bank as well, to get my $41.65 back. Thank you

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