Scam Type
Online Purchase Scam
Business Name Used
Instant pet transport Service
Date Reported
Oct 18, 2022
Victim Postal Code
Total Dollars Lost
Scam Description
We bought two puppies from an on line vendor in NC including $250 for shipping. Puppies were to be shipped and at my house hours later that day. Instead, I get an email from Instant Pet Transport Service stating I had to pay for crate rental before they could proceed; they took Apple Pay or BitCoin which I do not have. They decided they could take gift cards which I purchased from Publix, took pictures of the cards and texted to them. They cashed them as payment. Hours later they needed insurance money, then capability money since I complained about the additional expense. Then stamp money. Same process with the gift certificates. Too much time has passed so the rental expired, then the insurance and they still have the puppies. Asking for payment again for all of the above with the promise that it is fully refundable. At this point we have spent $8,500. Beyond foolish I know but in the heat of the moment “if we get the money right now we can proceed with shipping”…. Their web site’s only contact is to leave your email info and what you are looking for. No phone numbers, or address. They have a tracking system for your order so it looks really legitimate. This whole time we really wanted those two puppies and that was our goal. I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself; I know better but fell for this anyway. No way to get the money back or to replace it in our life! Several conversations I had saying this feels like a scam, “no Ma’m, I am a Christian.” We have been in business for years. Of course they would deny its a scam. I told him that we would not pay anymore money so his response is he would tell the authorities that we abandoned our puppies.