Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare July 10, 2024

Scam Type

Healthcare/Medicaid/Medicare Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

July 10, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 734

Scam Description

Steve came to my house to clean a bbq, he said the bbq needed parts and told me he would come back to install them later as he had to order the parts, he did clean the grill and he broke a tile on the countertop which he said had fallen off but that was not true as I inspected the grill and tile area before he came.
I have been trying to get him back for a year now to put in parts I had paid for, he doesn’t answer his phone calls or rarely answers his texts, he has sent me videos of him driving and laughing recently which is strange conduct, I have tried to work with him said he can come back and pay me off by cleaning , I know he moved recently in Visalia so don’t know his correct address.

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