Government Agency Imposter

Scam Type

Government Agency Imposter Scam

Business Name Used

Logo Genies

Date Reported

Sep 14, 2022

Victim Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost


Scam Description

This company stated they can trademark my company name and logo. After he sounded so very convincing on how someone can take my name I paid them $700 with my credit card. I’ve had the name for over 4 years and was afraid for someone to take it, as he mentioned. He proceeded to send me legal government stamped documents but there was many misspellings so I questioned it and he treated me very rude and threatened me that if I didn’t do this someone would take my business name and I would be legally responsible. So I gave in. He then proceed that the $700 i paid for was IT no more and now today 9/13/22 here he is asking me for more money an additional $500! I said no! And that he promised the $700 was it and now he wants more. He threatened me again I needed to be careful how I spoke to him bc he could sue me for verbal abuse. Mind you I never threaten him or was rude other than telling him that he was a fraud and a thief and that I would report him to BBB for sending government “stamped” documents illegally. I want this company to stop robbing ppl and businesses. They clearly have other complains. Please shut this down and help me get my money back.

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