Employment June 21, 2024

Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used

Tradesmen International / imposter

Date Reported

June 21, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

I applied for a job on Indeed. A guy from the so called company Tradesmen International named Jonathan called and interviewed me and told me they had work but not enough workers. This was June 12th 2024 and I was hired. Later that day another guy from Tradesmen called named Nick saying he needed a picture of my drivers license and birth certificate. Then the GM of Tradesmen called me named Trevor asking if I could start June 14th but then it was June 17th I would start. Here it is June 21 I haven’t heard from them, I’ve called, texted with no responses. There has been barely any communication as to anything and now I feel this was a scam and they have my information.

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