Employment July 16, 2024

Scam Type

Employment Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

July 16, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 0

Scam Description

I was contacted 07/15/2024 from Ailany Ronald from their HR department in regards to an interview. I accepted the interview and was advised to create an account with the Element messenger application. After completing that I was told to invite this Daniel person with the link being https://matrix.to/#/@workwithdaniel:matrix.org
I started chatting with this person and they obtained my full name, address and email. After a while they started talking about sending me a check I would need to cash in order to purchase my “equipment”. I asked the interviewer Daniel if I could speak with an HR manager to confirm employment and he stopped responding all together. I attempted to call the Ailany person and was told not to call. When asking about employment verification I was informed “ Our employment does not appreciate communications that involve scams. Other employees have gone through the same process as you and are now in training. Mr. Daniel cannot do anything about that, and His job is to put you through the process so you can get started with your work and training.” I have called and been sent to voicemail and now blocked on the messaging app. This company is FAKE.

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