Counterfeit Product June 23, 2024

Scam Type

Counterfeit Product Scam

Business Name Used

Counterfeit Product – Elle Rouge

Date Reported

June 23, 2024

Postal Code

L9Z 0E2

Total Dollars Lost

$ 54

Scam Description

The add was up for the Hyprox Hydrogen Rechargable water bottle with a special deal but 1 get 2 free for 54 dollars. It was 3 weeks late to begin with and when it got to me I opened it up, and the product sent is like a $2 dollar drinking glass with a little metal cap, not even close to the real product. Tried emailing said company and I get no response back! It’d be great to get my money back, or the real product, but if not I’d like to make sure this doesn’t happen to anybody else!

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