Advance Fee Loan July 03, 2024

Scam Type

Advance Fee Loan Scam

Business Name Used


Date Reported

July 03, 2024

Postal Code


Total Dollars Lost

$ 475

Scam Description

The scammer stated that they were a lending club officer. They proclaimed that I was approved for a loan for $5000. But they also indicated that I had to pay 475, which is an insurance to obtain the loan.
Once that amount was paid, the money would be deposited into my account. Then they said I had to pay $790 in order to get the money released into my account. That’s when I was truly aware that this was a scam. I have all the documents with Lending Club’s name on it stating that they are backed by the BBB.
I talked to the individual and asked him that they needed to return my money back to me. They said that money was nonrefundable. They were not gonna give it back to try not to resolve this.
They were going to me never call back never answered the phone. I just want my money back now. I gotta go change all my banks change everything.

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